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Keep Warehouses & Loading Docks Safe with LED Warehouse Safety Signs

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Warehouse and loading docks can be incredibly busy and loud places. With so much going on, it’s imperative to communicate vital safety information to workers and visitors effectively. Signage plays a crucial role in doing this, even in environments where audio warnings and queues aren’t an option. Signal-Tech manufactures several types of illuminated warehouse safety signs to help warehouses and loading docks promote safety and efficiency.

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Colored Indicator Dots for Bay and Dock Doors

Loading docks are hectic places that sometimes have unique and erratic traffic flows. Those conditions can make loading docks a confusing and dangerous environment for workers, truck drivers, and visitors. An easy way to help prevent chaos, reduce the chances of an accident, and improve safety and efficiency is by implementing color indicator dots on and/or adjacent to loading docks and bay doors.

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Red/Green Indicator Dots

These illuminated signs are very straightforward. Much like a traffic light, illuminated green means go, and illuminated red means stop. These illuminated signs can be placed inside and outside doors to guide parties on either side of it.

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Red/Yellow/Green Indicator Dots

These illuminated signs are nearly identical to the red/green indicator dots listed directly above but have a yellow dot between red and green, indicating the viewer should slow down and prepare to stop when it is illuminated.

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Single-Color Indicator Dots

Facility operators can use a single-color indicator dot to signal to viewers any message or warning they choose, so long as all viewers agree on its meaning. For instance, a green illuminated dot universally means “GO,” but a single, blue illuminated dot might not have a universal definition. It is up to the facility to establish its meaning and ensure all viewers understand and obey it.

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Directional Arrow & X Signs for Loading Dock Door and Lane Control

Much like color indicator dots, Signal-Tech’s illuminated directional arrow & x signs are an easy way to control lane and dock door usage while preventing accidents and improving efficiency. They can be designed to display a single message — the illuminated red x indicates stop or the lane/door is closed, and the illuminated green arrow indicates the lane/door is open — while the opposite message disappears or blanks out.

Illuminated Open/Closed Signs for Bay Doors and Loading Docks

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Another great option to indicate loading dock and bay availability is an illuminated/open closed sign from Signal-Tech. These signs’ messaging needs no explanation. However, it should be noted that open/closed messaging goes beyond those two simple words. For example, an illuminated bay door sign could read, "Ready For Loading", indicating the bay is open. Or, a backlit sign could have two messages — Pick Up/Drop Off — with the action ready to be performed being illuminated. Signal-Tech offers complete customization — virtually any combination of words and symbols — of illuminated signage to indicate an open or closed dock door or loading bay. No matter the facility’s unique needs, Signal-Tech can accommodate them.

Prevent Property Damage with Overheight Clearance Bars

A great way to prevent property damage inside and outside a warehouse or loading dock is through overheight clearance bars. These non-illuminated warehouse safety signs notify taller vehicles, such as semis, oversized loads, and some forklifts entering areas with low overhead clearance. They are made of extruded aluminum, making them lightweight and durable. They’re fully customizable; they can be painted any color, have any message or logo displayed, and are available at any length to fit your needs.

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About Signal-Tech’s Overheight
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Bar Brochure

Forewarn the Use of Dangerous Equipment with Illuminated In-Use Signs

Illuminated in-use signs play a crucial role in warehouses and loading docks by providing clear communication, enhancing safety, and improving overall efficiency. They do this by warning anyone in the loading dock or warehouse of hazardous areas and potential dangers of equipment. This can include everything from high-voltage equipment, areas with dangerous chemicals, areas that use radiation, or even something as simple as a slippery, wet floor.

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Keep Employees Safe with Illuminated Warning and Safety Signs

Illuminated workplace and warehouse safety signs alert employees and visitors to potential risks and dangerous situations. Illuminating these warning signs enhances visibility, ensuring safety messages are readable even in low-light conditions. Illuminated warning and safety signs are an effective way to bolster accident prevention, especially in areas with heavy equipment, areas with high traffic, such as forklift crossings, and any other places in the dock or warehouse with elevated risk for accidents and injuries.

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Of Illuminated Warehouse
Safety Signs

Signal-Tech has many illuminated loading dock and warehouse safety signs to help promote a safe working environment while becoming more efficient and profitable. No matter the need, Signal-Tech has the illuminated signage loading docks and warehouses need to thrive for years to come. If you’re ready to learn more, contact us anytime!